
Dreptul de recall prin referendum si excesul de justitie populara

Evaluarea riscului ca dreptul de recall prin referendum initiat la nivel national va interfera cu actul de justitie ... injusta. Ar trebui sa existe criterii clare si implementate instrumente care sa evalueze obiectiv activitatea unui politician. Poate fi mass media pe lista acestor instrumente?


      1. Keep your ties loose.
      2. Keep yourself exposed to as many diverse sources of information as possible.
      3. Make groups that range across hierarchies.
    • OMOGENITATEA Surowiecki stresses the need for diversity within a crowd to ensure enough variance in approach, thought process, and private information.

      CENTRALIZAREA The 2003 Columbia shuttle disaster, which he blames on a hierarchical NASA management bureaucracy that was totally closed to the wisdom of low-level engineers.

      Division The United States Intelligence Community, the 9/11 Commission Report claims, failed to prevent the 11 September 2001 attacks partly because information held by one subdivision was not accessible by another. Surowiecki's argument is that crowds (of intelligence analysts in this case) work best when they choose for themselves what to work on and what information they need. (He cites the SARS-virus isolation as an example in which the free flow of data enabled laboratories around the world to coordinate research without a central point of control.) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA have created a Wikipedia-style information sharing network called Intellipedia that will help the CIRCULATIA LIBERA A INFORMATIEI to prevent such failures again.

      Imitation Where choices are visible and made in sequence, an "information cascade"[5] can form in which only the first few decision makers gain anything by contemplating the choices available: once past decisions have become sufficiently informative, it pays for later decision makers to simply copy those around them. This can lead to fragile social outcomes. Emotionality Emotional factors, such as a feeling of belonging, can lead to peer pressure, herd instinct, and in extreme cases collective hysteria.

    • Aggregation = Mecanism prin care alegerile individuale sunt transformate in decizie colectiva

    • Independenta = Opiniile oamenilor nu sunt influentate de cei din jur.

    • Descentralizare = Cetatenii au acces la cunostiinte din domenii specializate si/sau locale.

    • Diversitate de opinii = Fiecare persoana trebuie sa aiba propria sursa de informare, chiar daca este doar o interpretare excentrica a unor fapte cunoscute.

      • Independenta = Opiniile oamenilor nu sunt influentate de cei din jur.

  • Ar fi necesara o formula de calcul care sa dea un punctaj de evaluare pentru fiecare parlamentar, ministru, etc De exemplu formula ar trebui sa tina cont de prezenta, numar de initiative legislative, interventii, optiunea de a vota la vedere, folosirea instrumentelor de comunicare-dezbatere online cu alegatorii ...

    • Intrucat recall ul se produce identic , ca procedura cu initiativa legislativa , cred ca mecanismele care reglementeaza recall ul sunt suficiente. Adica este nevoie de un numar de sustineri dupa care urmeaza un referendum ( national in cazul parlamentarilor sau local in cazul consilierilor locali / primar ). Practic recall ul nu este neaparat o pedeapsa ( a fi parlamentar nu este o "meserie" ) , este vorba doar de incredere , iar pentru ca un sistem politic sa functioneze ( chiar daca nu e vorba de greseli evidente din partea alesilor ) este nevoie ca cei ce urmeaza legile ( populatia , in special ) sa aibe incredere in legislativ.


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